Sunday, September 20, 2009

humble home

Home is always pleasant, though it's such a safe zone.
It's been really beautiful lately though, I'm learning to appreciate where I come from more. I guess it's because I don't really have any other choice.

I'm going to participate in another fashion show, finally...
I'm ready to get back into the game.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If your going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...

Yes, that I did. I wore flowers in my hair, my eyes, my smile, flowers were everywhere... They were in every person I met, and every place I saw...

When ever anybody asks me about my trip to San Francisco, my words stay stagnant."Oh it was great! It was wonderful, I had a blast!" For no words could describe my experience. I can't even describe it to myself. When I think about my experience there, all I have is thoughts, no words. Since I haven't blogged since way before I left, I guess this is a worthy post of trying to explain it.

Reality and my dreams for the first time in my life, came together.
When I booked my flight, and my trip to Frisco, I was so excited. I had made this decision for myself, for my life, on my own. I know I needed to escape from this reality of which I've surrounded myself in for the past 17 years. I needed to do somethingng of which would benefit me, and motivate me. Though I never would of ever imagined what actually did hit me. The last words I heard before getting on the plane to San Fran were "Be mindful," my mother. Those words had never made so much sense to me, until then. My whole body shivered, my eyes swelled with tears, butterflies tore through my body. That day was the most loneliest day I've ever experienced. I'd never been so lost, and so alone in my life. Yet I'd enjoyed that feeling, so unbelievably much. Being lost in a strange city, by myself. I guess because I've been in a safe zone my whole life. Getting out, was incredible.

Throughout my seven weeks spent in Frisco, I'd never learned so much in all my years of living then I did in those seven weeks. I was constantly working till 3 in the morning. I was in classes everyday, twice a day, three hours each. I had projects, due dates, etc. I worked, and worked, and worked. And that's what I wanted. I wanted to realize what life really would be like, and I did. I had some incredible instructors. My fashion Merchandising teacher was an original member of the CFDA, and Donna Karen was her assistant for many years. My fashion illustration teacher had worked for Star Wars. I made a few garments in my fashion construction class. And in my fashion design class I learned how to create collections, look books, how to find inspiration, color stories, ect. She even showed me her studio where she works, and designs. I visited some incredible art museums, I was in a numerous amount of photo shoots, I started on my portfolio and even showed all of my work in an art show. I've never appreciated education so much.

Though I've come home with a lot more then education. The place I was surrounded by was so compelling, chills through my spine just thinking about it. Right when I walked out the door, felt the cold weather on my skin, I was inspired. No matter where I went, there was inspiration felt. The people where incredible, I've never felt like I've belonged anywhere more than Frisco. I have never been so thankful for such an opportunity. San Francisco has put so much soul and hope, and wit and excitement into me. I can't even describe it.

I will be posting a numerous amount of photos within the next few weeks.