Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Irving Penns photographs really struck me; I really admire how he portrays such class and grace within all of his photos, especially the ones pertaining woman. These photos show elegance, and grace, class, beauty, femininity, strength, sex, and all the traits I think a true woman should have. Especially now a days, since woman are moving up in to world and where they stand. A woman, isn't a true woman if she doesn't have class. At least that is what I believe.

For a woman of grace,
whom smells of rosemary and
her eyes are made of crystal scrapings,
she stands of such elegance and such poise,
one which only a woman of grace would endure

For a woman of grace
With her angelic like smile, and her porcelain skin
her manner of speaking, portrays confidence and cleverness
As the pearls drape from her meek bones, and the silk
furnishes her lengthy pose
one which only a woman of grace would endure

For a woman of grace
the spotlight seems to gleam on her,
whenever her presence is graced upon an array of folks,
for her aura stands of mystique, and enigma, like a sphinx
that no man could defy, even with the strength of 1,000 suns
one which only a woman of grace would endure

For a woman of grace
she stands taller then the tallest sky scrapper
with her velvet main, and her luxurious strut.
For you are the it woman; you are the icon of a million girls dreams...
and you will never fail to let them down, because you, my woman
are a woman of grace, so keep strutting,
keep strutting, woman of grace....

1 comment:

  1. is the 'woman of grace' concept derived from henry james? this is impressive. though i should add that the pronoun "whom" (line 2, stanza 1) should instead be "who". great work nonetheless.
